The Future of Operational Risk Management in Banking Summit 3rd Edition

TBD, Vienna Austria

The third edition of our conference on operational risk builds on the success of the second edition and tackles the increasingly diverse challenges organizations face today. The Covid-19 pandemic has further complicated the landscape, adding to existing challenges such as cyber risk and evolving regulatory changes. This conference aims to equip institutions with the latest knowledge and best practices to effectively manage operational risk. Participants will gain insights into emerging cyber threats and benchmark their strategies to build resilience against cyber-attacks. The health and safety risks related to Covid-19, as well as the vulnerabilities of widespread remote work, will also be examined.

Our summit is designed to help you

Refine Operational Risk Strategies: Learn best practices to enhance your organization’s risk management strategies and frameworks.

Benchmark Against Industry Standards: Measure your current practices against industry benchmarks to identify areas for improvement.

Gain Regulatory Insights: Understand the evolving regulatory landscape and its implications for operational risk management.

Enhance Cyber Resilience: Discover strategies to strengthen your cybersecurity posture and protect against the latest digital threats.

Optimize Data Analytics: Explore data-driven approaches for more accurate risk identification and predictive analysis.

Improve Third-Party Risk Management: Gain practical tools to assess and manage risks posed by outsourcing and third-party vendors.

Meet the training speakers

Key Points

Cybersecurity and Digital Transformation

ESG Risk Management

Resilient Business Continuity Planning

AI and Automation Risks

Third-Party and Supply Chain Risks

Regulatory Compliance Evolution

Fraud Detection and Prevention

Who should attend

CROs, CEOs, CFOs, COOs, VPs, MDs, Global Heads, Directors, Department Heads and International Managers from Banking industry involved in:

Operational Risk
Non financial risk
Internal audit
Reputation Risk
Risk governance and framework
It risk
Cyber security
Reputational Risk
Behavioral risk
Risk Appetite
Risk Compliance
Enterprise risk
Risk Control
Risk Measurement
Risk Methodology
Risk Reporting
Third Party Risk

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